Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hi Y'all

Chances are that if you're here, you've arrived via Cocopuff's Corner, my original blog combining my thoughtful dissertations on quality-of-life issues, noteworthy events from around the shelter and the community at large and my dad's sometimes maniacal rants.  With that in mind, I'll not go into a prolonged introduction but if you did just happen to stumble here, please check out my profile and follow the link above to get an idea of who I am and what I'm all about.

It is my intention to use this blog to explore one specific quality-of-life issue that, in my mind, deserves special attention.  Over the years, I've staunchly promoted the concept that the human/canine relationship can and should (for oh so many reasons) be more than just keeping a dawg around the yard and maybe tossing it some scraps and the odd bowl of Kibbles now and then.  We see a lot of that around here but it is, by no means, the worst of what we see.  Given proper nurturing, the relationship can be so much more rewarding, a symbiosis of two completely different species that even has scientists baffled because nowhere else in nature does this exist.  For you who have already partaken of the fruit, no further explanation is necessary.  You and your dog(s) have formed a superlative bond that could not be replicated in any other manner and the rewards for all concerned are just endless.  The first and most important part of developing this relationship is inclusion.  Most folk don't raise their human children by mostly ignoring them and neglecting them,  It does happen though and we all know what the outcome is, and it ain't pretty.  No less so with your dog.

Okay, you get it.  You've accepted your pooch into the family and y'all share good times ( and even sometimes bad times, like going to the Vet)  together but it's always a challenge to find activities that are compatible for both species in today's busy (and dangerous) world.  I say activities because there's more to life for me, just like for you, than just sitting around with a good movie and a bowl of popcorn or a box of Cheeze-its.  Yeah, that stuff's great but when I get old, I don't want that and the fact that I used to chase a ball around the yard to be the only remembrances of my life.  Just like humans, dogs are all different but we all have one commonality, we need to be enlivened by things that interest and invigorate us and the challenge is always to seek out safe avenues that are mutually rewarding.

That's what this blog is all about.  When I was younger, Dad had a few less responsibilities and we had more time to pursue what I've just described but with the constant addition of more and more tasks over the years, that has considerably diminished.  A lot of our time together lately has consisted of me and Lil along with a few friends just hanging out with him while he worked on the "books" or paid bills and replied to correspondence.  Now I'd rather do that than see him go off to the mill for the day (or night) but I also love to go out and do stuff.  Fortunately, Dad has shed some of those responsibilities and although he will always have a lot in his bowl, he has recognized this gap and has made plans to remedy it.  This necessitates proactively seeking out venues where we can get out and about together and share activities that are both safe and mutually rewarding and it falls upon me to take point on this venture to identify venues that would also be of value to our far-less-adventurous Miss Lilly as well.  The Cocopuff Chronicles are basically a diary of our new adventures that may hopefully benefit others who wish to include their best friend(s) in the human world but even more so, they are intended to encourage an exchange of information between folks involved in similar pursuits.  I would strongly encourage you all to share your thoughts and experiences either by replying to a specific post or emailing me at Cocopuff's blog.  Not all replies can be published but I will doggedly try to pass on whatever information that is consistent with the theme of this blog.  I'd love to hear from you!

                                                       Drooly yours


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